defense mechanisms

I've been thinking a lot about defense mechanisms lately - the things we do to "protect" ourselves, the way we try to hide, the way this gut-instinct to hide originated with the fall of mankind, and how we've been trying to (and not trying to) overcome it ever since... and the flip side of it is, of course, that God is our protector and our hiding place and the One who overcomes... so if we would just run to Him instead of diving for the bushes, we'd be a lot better off (and in less danger of poison ivy...)

I've got to preach this summer, and deciding what to preach on is definitely a process. Write what you (preach what you) know, right? Well, I know a lot about failure... and I know a lot about self-defense...

all of which was a really intellectual way of leading into sharing with you a video that brings tears to my eyes every time I see it...

HUWAKK - hah-wah-kuh-kuh.... lol...
Defense-mechanism #1 - laughter...

1 comment:

Ruth said...

Ha Ha - yes laughter can certainly be a cover up. I think that sometimes our fragile attempts to defend ourselves are just as futile and transparent as those in the film are.

I posted about defense mechanisms here
last year.

Currently, my ladies group is covering it. It's been rather eye opening for us as we look into the many ways it shows up in our lives. The thing that we learned is that our defense mechanisms are coverups(avoidance,blame, etc. ) for strongholds(fear,insecurity,control etc) that are rooted in past hurts.