send the rain - part 2

for the widow at Zarephath

so... i've never actually done this... posting songs in process... welcome to Happy-land, the unseen side. :P and a glimpse into the sort of process a lot of things go thru in my head. (tho i still claim the best songs i've written are the ones i've just sort of thrown up...) :P

verse one has amazingly stayed the same:

standing here in this desert place
watching the clouds roll in
and wondering if today's the day
it's been so long since we've had rain

wow, look at that - so has the chorus- except for one word; i changed "your" to "the" because it sings better

and You have been faithful
You have been faithful
there has always been enough
but still we are waiting
waiting and praying
praying, Jesus, send the rain

verse 2, slightly modified:

standing here, with hearts of clay
cracked and dry just like the ground
longing for torrential rains
to flood and soak into us now

i got to thinking about what happens when torrential rains hit the cracked dry ground - it pools on top. (i am well familiar with that image as i've successfully forgotten to water Stanley often enough that he is officially no longer with us. well, he is, actually, as i've been too lazy to take him out to the trash... sigh. procrastination is a rare art form, do you know that? (i'm writing my term paper right now, can't you tell?)) :)

and You have been faithful
You have been faithful
You have always been enough
but still we are waiting
waiting and praying
praying, Jesus, send the rain

now this is the bit that's giving me trouble.
it's pretty much ALL WRONG.
the ideas are right, just not the words, and I think the Lion will need his own song. it's about roaring and chasing the darkness away, and Narnia ending and all that sort of thing.

so... Send your rain! Let it pour
yes, i like that - but then what?
something about a floodtide...

and somewhere in here should be something about life coming back... clouds breaking open, blessing falling from the skies (this storm may not look like blessing at first but it is... because they've needed it so long...)

Let thunder crash and lightning flash

and mercy falls, redemption calls

and everything is right again...

raaar.... i really want to get this bit figured out! i've got the music, just not the words... *sigh* i really should go write my term paper... :P

then the last verse - (not quite the) same as the first anymore

standing here in this desert place
it won't be long till we see rain

(c) 2008 Happy Records, Inc.

So that's that. I hope you found it entertaining. I personally enjoyed the read about Stanley. And am trying not to read too much into the fact that he died... lol.

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