random ramblings, vol. 11

It's been awhile, so here we are.  Random Ramblings - vol. 11.  :)

1) For all my friends who are moms, or who are wondering what life will be like if and when they are moms:  this article is for you.  There is no "right" way (in terms of working or staying at home); it's all hard.  So thanks for doing what you do the way you do it.  All of our daughters, sisters, cousins, etc. will benefit from watching you navigate life with the grace (and sometimes lack thereof) with which you do.  You are gutsy, women of God.  And we're blessed to know you.  Thanks for living your life so boldly and transparently.

2) Sunshine is... lovely.  Especially at the end of January in the Midwest.  Check out these awesome reflections from my friend Arman at The Edge of Clarity  - inspired by the sun, and by the Son.

3) I am so grateful for the myriad of voices that have shaped my faith and helped me to find my own voice.  Shout-outs today to Nancy Beach, Bill Hybels, Madeleine L'Engle, Sarah Ban Breathnach, and Matt McMann, for being 5 of the best coaches ever.  Even when they didn't know they were coaching me.

4) While I recognize that the whole image/exercise thing can be an idol (thanks, J-squared - I do need to watch it) - I am very, very grateful for Zumba these days.  There's a piece of me that thinks (during every class): "Good Christian girls do NOT dance like this..." - but I love it, nonetheless.  (Tho you may note that I have not yet announced to my class that I am on staff at a church...lol.  Hm.  Maybe I should!  They might actually come, then...)

What I love most about Zumba is that you can't do it well without at least pretending to be confident - and as you pretend, somehow you cross over to actually being confident.  Zumba is ridiculously sexy.  As a single woman, I feel quasi-ridiculous dancing like that.  And I'm quite grateful that my class is mostly women - well, and Pete.  (A very nice, pot-bellied, and older gentleman who shows up in a sweatsuit, which is not standard Zumba attire.  I have no idea why he comes to Zumba, but he makes me smile.)  I walk out of every class feeling better, and better about myself.  And today - Barry, you'd be so proud - I was in the front row.  :)  And I didn't mind!!!   This is progress.  Lol.

5) I've been thinking a lot about vision lately.  Re-reading Andy Stanley's Visioneering.  Reflecting on the verse in Scripture that says that without vision, people perish (Proverbs 29:18, KJV).  I've let a lot of things steal my joy and my vision lately.  It's time to redefine it.

6) Last year I went on a retreat at the beginning of February last year that redefined a lot of things for me, particularly the definition and practice of Sabbath-keeping.  I'm very sorry to say I've lost sight - no, not sight.  practice - of that particular vision - but I am nonetheless dedicated to reclaiming it.  Most definitely looking forward to this year's retreat at the end of February, and the redefinition of this year's path forward that will inevitably come.

7) I was talking earlier this week with my absolute BFF, Sara - and I just have to say: there's something incredibly awesome about knowing someone who's known you for more than 1/2 of your life, has seen you at your absolute worst (and oh, heck, yes, she has!!!) - and knowing that they still love you.  In spite of that fact that you (and I quote) "attract drama."  lol.  okay.  so I do.  but someday it will be worth writing about.  ;)  And in the meantime, even if I do not provide legitimate literarily resourceful material... It's still awesome knowing that someone can see past all my failings to what I will be in Him someday.  I love that, actually.  :)

And there you are.  Random Ramblings, vol. 11.


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